
Goodbye Hall Pass, Hello Smartpass:

Classen Starts Smartpass

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On Monday, Aug. 28, students at Classen started using Smartpass.

Smartpass is an online pass system. To make a pass, all you have to do is hit "Create Pass". Then, select the room you are in and then the room you are going to. 

The school switched to Smartpass for an easier alternative to a hall pass. For one, Smartpass rules out carrying a dirty object in and out of the bathroom. It also eliminates the risk of losing a physical pass. You can also spread germs by so many people touching it over time. 

Some students have pointed out negatives of Smartpass. If you create a pass with not enough time for you, and it runs out, then the system will notify all teachers.

If you need an immediate pass, you may not get to leave right away. Your teacher must approve the pass before it starts. 

Classen is joining 1000+ schools across the nation using Smartpass. Teachers can monitor your time out of class, limit the amount of passes a day you use, and even prevent meet-ups with other students. 

All in all, Smartpass has positives and negatives. Time will tell if Classen made the right choice switching to Smartpass.


About the Contributor

Will Hancock

ORB- Birthdays /Orbit Online- School News

William Hancock has been in Orbit for two years. He is currently in the 6th grade and is an IB Major. He is the Orbit Online School News Journalist.