ORB (Orbit Report Broadcasting)
This is the Broadcast Journalism part of our Orbit Community. Classen has a long history of stucent news, with our newest version being a weekly news broadcast of student-led/created content!!
About the Contributors
ORB- Broadcast Editor-in-Chief/ Weather/ School News
Angeline McPhetridge, 7th grade, joined ORBIT last year. She has been part of the CSAS Yearbook for 3 years. Last year on ORBIT, she was in charge of weather and odd news, as well as being a news anchor and editor. This year, she was appointed Co-Editor in Chief of the ORBIT Broadcast video along with Aleksei Rider.
ORB- Broadcast Editor-in-Chief/ 10-Second Trivia/ Today in History/ News Anchor
Sydney McPhetridge is a 7th-grade IB major at Classen SAS. This is her 3rd year at Classen SAS, 3rd year working in Yearbook, and 2nd year working in Orbit, she has a sister named Angeline who is also working on the Orbit/Yearbook team. She is the editor/in charge including International, National, Local, and School News.
ORB- Birthdays
William Hancock has been in Orbit for two years. He is currently in the 6th grade and is an IB Major. He is the Orbit Online News Editor.
ORB- Walk and Talk/ In the Hot Seat
Mary Barrios, 6th grade, this is her 2nd year in the yearbook and orbit. This is also her 2nd year at Classen S.A.S. MS. She loves cats and Sanrio characters. She loves to sing and make art in her free time.