Alia Perez 

Orbit Online- Fashion/Beauty

I'm Alia Perez I play the violin and the piano I'm in 6th grade and I'm a non-major.I've always loved writing and art I'm in journalism which makes me express my writing more than other classes.I have two little brothers one in 1st grade and another one thats 13 months old, my brother that's in 1st grade is 6.I love dogs and snow leopards my favorite kinds of dogs are husky's.My birthday is right after Christmas on December 26th I was born in 2012 which makes me 11 turning 12 in December.My favorite drink is lemonade especially from the state fair, my favorite food from the fair are Korean corn dogs.I love traveling I've traveled to Texas,California, and Mexico I've only traveled to a couple of places but in the future I plan to travel more.A fun fact about me is I've never broken a bone in my life I'm hoping to never to.Feel free to reach out to me at my school email!

All content by Alia Perez